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Techniques of Propaganda and Persuasion In

Techniques of Propaganda and Persuasion In

Another interesting case that proves the power of subliminal persuasion comes from a study done by a department store. The department store used a subliminal persuasion audio that continued to repeat, “Stealing is bad. I will not steal”, and the percentage of shoplifting dropped over 35%. Nobody could hear the messages, and yet somehow the unconscious mind did hear them to the point where people’s decision making processes were changed. The theory of subliminal persuasion and the persuasion secrets it consists of will always be debated because the scientific studies of subliminal persuasion wi

It would seem subliminal persuasion does have an enormous influence upon the behavior of people. If subliminal persuasion didn’t work, then marketing businesses would not invest billions of dollars every year on billboard marketing. This is interesting because when people are driving, they usually do not have the ability to take their eyes off the road so that they can process the messages that are on the billboards. We could even go a step further and ask: Why would a marketing company put advertisings on active freeways when the marketing firms know drivers are not able to take their eyes of

It seems subliminal persuasion does have an huge impact upon the behavior of people. If subliminal persuasion didn’t work, then marketing businesses would not invest billions of dollars every year on billboard advertising. This is appealing because when people are driving, they usually do not have the ability to take their eyes off the road so that they can process the messages that are on the billboards. We could even go a step further and ask: Why would a marketing company put advertising on active freeways when the marketing companies know drivers cannot take their eyes off the road to read